The Boyne City Garden Club was organized in 1979 and currently has 91 members. Annual membership dues are $15.00.
Our main club project is to prepare soil, buy plants, and plant and maintain flowers at eleven flowerbeds in Boyne City. Members contribute time each week to weed, water and deadhead at one of these eleven flowerbeds.

Regular meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month, April through December with social time beginning at 12:30 pm and the meeting beginning at 1:00pm
Watch your email inbox for informal winter activities.
Our first formal meeting will take place on April 24th at
Veterans Park Pavilion.

Donations are accepted!
If you wish to support our efforts to beautify the Boyne Area, you are welcome to send your donation to:
Boyne Valley Garden Club PO Box 0387 Boyne City, MI 49712
To request funds from BVGC, download the form below:
Community Support
The BVGC helps to support a variety of community programs:

Donate to environmental and gardening causes

Plant Flowers at Community parks and Gardens

Plant flower boxes for Main Street beautification project

Create scarecrow display for the Harvest Festival